Aesop酷兒文學圖書館焦點作家 於 10 月 26 日至 31 日,《蓉蓉》會在Aesop歌賦街店展示,每位踏進店舖的訪客皆可挑選一本喜愛的書籍並免費帶回家。 訪談按此。 Aesop Queer Library Focus Writer From 26 to 31 October, Yung Yung is available on the shelves of Aesop Gough Street. Visitors are offered a complimentary book of their choice. Interview click here.
10, 13.07.2022 作家對談: 離散、酷兒、⽂學 — 盧妤、葉晉瑋 跟詩人葉晉瑋圍繞離散、寫作、酷兒書寫交換想法,在座聽眾丟了些非常引人思考的問題,比如是寫作的意義、離家和融入。(主持:Dr. Eva Li) 此活動由University of Essex支持,Dr. Faith Chiu, Dr. Tracey Costley和Dr. Ella Jeffries策劃。 廣東話場: 2022年7月13日 Common Press (Brick Lane)

In Conversation: poet Eric Yip and novelist Yin Lo - Negotiating language and identity: Queer writing by HongKongers in the UK


It was such a pleasure to be sharing thoughts with award winning poet Eric Yip on queer, diaspora, writing and identity at a queer bookstore Common Press on Brick Lane.


10 July 2022


This event is being organised by Dr Faith Chiu, Dr Ella Jeffries and Dr Tracey Costly from the Language and Linguistics department at the University of Essex.


The event is funded by the University of Essex.

06.02.2022 香港ViuTV 六台 新聞台訪問 關於在英國的廣東話寫作。 Interview, ViuTV 6, Hong Kong. On writing Cantonese in the UK. 31.01.2022 海底圖書館 Care for Collective Curatorial,韓國。 我寫了一篇關於自己家族,由太祖父輩(1900s)開始的離散史,回顧自身經歷,以廣東話讀出。 Library under The Sea by Care for Collective Curatorial, Seoul. Being one of the contributors, I have written and recorded a piece in Cantonese about my personal experience on migration and my family’s long history, dating back to the 1900s, of diaspora.
11.11.2021 【Butterfly App, Vibes人訪】香港女同志文學的缺席--《蓉蓉》作者盧妤 文字/Ris@Vibes 編輯/mi@Vibes Interview: “The Abscence of Lesbian Literature in Hong Kong– Yung Yung by Yin Lo”, Butterfly app, Hong Kong. 19.09.2021


Asia-Art-Activism Zoom Luck


Hosted by me and Annie Jael Kwan, the workshop talked about how to write/ create within (or in between) major and minor historical events. The workshop explored the possibility of our response as well as the creativity that was brought by those impactful protests and demonstrations in Asia.

07, 08.2021

Researcher in Residence



During the residency, I researched the livelihood, everyday life and destiny of ethnic-Chinese seafarers in Victorian times Limehouse Chinatown London, which came together in the late 19th century and was heavily bombed during WWII. The creative writing piece revitalises their lives and acknowledges their existence with a decolonial perspective.

Podcast/ QueerAsias: Virtualising Cartographies


Queer Asias shares a playlist of audio, moving image and VR works, and a live digital performance that explores the expansive online horizons of queer identity, memories and desire.


Me and Yarli’s audio work The Very Educational Bubble Tea Porn and our collaboration work In Virtual Return We (Can’t) Dehaunt were screened across the duration of the conference from  27 May to 25 June 2021.



The programme is curated by Annie Jael Kwan as a commission for the Paul Mellon Centre’s London, Asia, Art, Worlds conference.



30.03.2019 香港同讀文化節 一連三日第三屆《香港同讀文化節》,我以推薦作者身份,一連兩日在女同學社攤位跟讀者交流和簽名,亦舉行了兩場小型分享會,跟讀者近距離交流,交換了很多關於同志文學的想法,認識了好些新朋友。 Hong Kong Queer Literary and Cultural Festival A three-day event taken place in JCCAC in Shek Kip Mei Hong Kong. I was presented by the organisation Nu Tong Xue She and have signed copies at its booth. It was an amazing experience, to be able to talk to my readers in small groups and share views on queer literature with new friends.



dirty press ‧ CLEAN PRESS主辦,煙雨濛濛的星期五,我跟性別學者金曄路在旺角序言書室對談,兩個作者,兩種越界,暢談在愛情上如何流動和超越,還有身份政治如何介入。


Book launch held in Hong Kong Reader Bookstore. It was a rainy day filled with interesting conversations with my guest Dr. Lucetta Kam.

26.3.2019 訪問 HOKK fabrica訪問,【專訪】Book Club:「如果沒有情慾,我寧願不寫」,遇見《蓉蓉》作者盧妤 Interview by HOKK fabrica (in Chinese, website no longer exists)
24.3.2019 講座:一個女同志的房間 Kubrick主辦 我連同作家林三維,評論人李薇婷在太古城的House by Kubrick對談女同志書寫。 此為【52Hz出版聯盟──由台北返航香港相敘】書展活動之一 Talk: A Room of A Lesbian Orgnaiser: Kubrick Hong Kong Host: Li Mei Ting Speaker: Yin Lo, Lam Samwai (writer)
23.3.2019 訪問 到香港電台的長壽同志節目自己人開咪,連同香港同讀文化節的籌委阿Mo,同運界前輩Connie,宣傳同讀文化節、暢談八、九十年代的同志雜誌,和讀讀《蓉蓉》的選段。 Interview: Radio show "We Are Family", Radio Television Hong Kong.